B. Braun Melsungen AG التطبيقات

AESCULAP ENT Instruments 1.1.1
B. Braun Melsungen AG
For over 140 years, we at B. Braun Aesculaphave been refining our perception of new developments, anticipatingnew needs and progressively improving the range of services weoffer. In this process, we have learned to continually expand ourknow-how while remaining focused on our objectives.Performing ENT surgery to the highest of standards requires talent,expertise and the best in surgical product technology.Aesculap offers a wide spectrum of premium quality, innovativeproducts, specific to ENT surgery. From open to close, Aesculapsurgical Instruments provide superior functionality, comfort andconsistency which enables the surgeon to perform the most complexand lengthy procedure with confidence and control.For having access to all information of our Aesculap ENTInstruments App you have to register in the Aesculap ENTInstruments app.
B. Braun Wound Closure 1.1.1
B. Braun Melsungen AG
B. Braun has achieved its leading position inthe surgery field thanks to its high quality products.Closure Technologies is one of B. Braun´s most experiencedbusiness areas as we are already manufacturing and selling Suturesand other wound closure products since 1908.Currently we offer a wide range of absorbable sutures,non-absorbable sutures, customized suture sets (Pro-Set) andspecial suture sets, as well as a full range of meshes andbiosurgicals.The General Catalogue is designed to give you an overview of allproducts related to the wound closure business.
OR Integration 2.0.8
B. Braun Melsungen AG
Aesculap® and MAQUET bundle their expertise tojointly offer comprehensive OR integration solutions for endoscopy.This cooperation will enable customers to control all keyparameters for Aesculap endoscopic devices from the central controlunit of the OR Integration system TEGRIS® – without the need tomake changes at device level.Simplify workflows and improve efficiency: The exceptionallyintuitive user interface supports the processes in the operatingroom.The benefits at a glance:Patient safety enhanced: Direct access to accurate patient data,integration of surgical safety checklists, simple control of theentire operating room.Integration in existing systems: The software is compatible witha large number of standard formats and hospital informationsystems.Your investment is secure: The modular system can be adapted tosuit your requirements.Enhanced communication and collaboration: Transmit live imagesfrom the operating room to lecture rooms, conference rooms ormedical practices.
AESCULAP Spinal Fracture 1.1.1
B. Braun Melsungen AG
Concept of Spinal Fracture ManagementSurgical techniques for the treatment of thoracolumbar spinalfractures have been refined in the last 10 years. Novel lessinvasive approach techniques, optimized instruments and advancedimplants have improved the possibilities for patients with spinaltrauma. Most spinal trauma injuries occur in the thoracolumbarjunction.The transition from thoracic kyphosis to lumbar lordosis and themore sagittal orientation of the facet joints make this spinalsection more susceptible to any tensile and compressive forces.With unstable fractures or in presence of neurological deficitssurgical treatment is indicated from posterior, ventral or in acombined approach, depending on the type of fracture.Different instruments and implants are required to treat thedifferent fractures. Thus, Aesculap offers a complete range ofsolutions for the treatment of spinal fractures.Not for use in the USA.
B. Braun Abdominal Wall Health 1.1.1
B. Braun Melsungen AG
Did you know that, approximately 10.000.000procedures are performed annually in Europe and US combining bothopen abdominal procedures and hernia repair procedures?Since the complications associated with these surgeries arebecoming a top issue for the medical community, in B. Braun, ourgoal is not only to work on repairing the abdominal wall but alsoto ensure its functionality and health for patients in a minimalinvasive manner.At B. Braun we take all our efforts towards physicians andpatients very seriously. This is the reason why B. Braun is highlycommitted to the scientific community; so as to promote clinicalevidence which prevents complications in abdominal wall surgery.Because in life everybody knows, It’s All about Prevention!The information on the new App is more clearly organized intokey indications: Abdominal Closure, Hernia Repair and MeshFixation. Sharing pocketable expertise: Indications, ClinicalStudies, recommended specialized products per indication,complimentary products, available courses and related Group microsites, as well as additional features such as HQ videos.Only a free-click separates you from the world of AWH. What areyou waiting for?
AESCULAP® Caiman® 2.0.5
B. Braun Melsungen AG
Caiman Seal and Cut instruments featurepatented mechanisms which are key to enable high uniform tissuecompression and avoid tissue slippage. Excellent vessel sealingquality and simplified tissue positioning in the jaw can beachieved.Caiman is intended to be used as a multipurpose vessel sealinginstrument in laparoscopic and open surgery within the surgicalfields of general surgery, gynecology, urology and thoracicsurgery. The instruments are utilized for hysterectomy, colectomy,gastrectomy, and much more...
AESCULAP Neuro Main Catalog 1.1.1
B. Braun Melsungen AG
This app contains Aesculap´s neurosurgicalportfolio as well as selected products of Spine, Power Systems andClosure Technologies.Through innovative new products and continuous advancement ofexisting products, we make sure that surgical interventions of thecentral nervous system are becoming more efficient.For having access to the App you have to register in theAesculap Neuro Main Catalog App.
AESCULAP® EinsteinVision® 2.3.2
B. Braun Melsungen AG
EinsteinVision® is an advanced 3Dvisualization system with Full HD image quality. It provides theuser with the third dimension which is not available with 2Dvisualization systems.EinsteinVision® has the potential to improve efficiency likehand-eye coordination, support the surgeon to maintain a high levelof concentration and increase work precision (e.g. pick up delicatestructures, exactly position suture needles or precisely separatefine tissue structures).
AESCULAP® AS Advanced Surface 1.1.1
B. Braun Melsungen AG
Get an overview of a new surface coating fortotal knee replacement. Learn why the coating reduces abrasion whya 7-layer coating is particularly stable and why it is suitable formetal allergies. The App gives advice for allergy diagnosis andmethod of treatment for knee replacement candidates with suspicionfor metal allergy.
AESCULAP® DS-Clips 1.1.1
B. Braun Melsungen AG
With the DS (double-shank) Clip we provide anew and innovative alternative for laparoscopic appendectomies.The DS-Clip offers the same reliability as existing options oftreatment. But with regard to some established products, the clipcan also provide noticeable cost savings for the removal of theappendix.In addition, we offer with the DS-Clips a new and innovativealternative in the segment of standard Single-Fire Clips. Theportfolio consists of the sizes Small – Large, for selective sizesadditionally with latch.
HealthCare Journal 2.0.2
B. Braun Melsungen AG
Das HealthCare Journal ist diemedizinischeZeitschrift der B. Braun Melsungen AG. Sie richtet sich– je nachSchwerpunktthema – an medizinisch und pflegerischinteressierteMenschen unabhängig ob sie im Alten- und Pflegeheim,in derhäuslichen Krankenpflege, im Krankenhaus, in der Arztpraxisodersogar ehrenamtlich tätig sind.Das HealthCare Journal bietet seinen Lesern zweimal imJahrkostenlos aktuelle und interessante Berichte zuunterschiedlichenmedizinischen & pflegerischenThemenschwerpunkten wie: Hygiene,Palliativ-Versorgung,Wundversorgung, Inkontinenz- undStomaversorgung, Diabetes, u. v. m.Dabei informieren wir über neueStandards und Therapien, lassenExperten der einzelnenBerufsgruppen, wie zum Beispiel Ärzte undKrankenschwestern, zuWort kommen und stellen praxisrelevantePflegetechniken undProdukte vor. Wir geben Anregungen undPraxistipps für Betroffene,Helfer und Mediziner.Auf dieser App finden Sie kostenlos die Artikel deraktuellenAusgabe in den Kategorien Recht, Expertenmeinung undPraxisberichteund haben weiterhin die Möglichkeit dievorhergegangen Ausgabenanzusehen und herunterzuladen.The Health Care Journalisthe medical journal of B. Braun Melsungen AG. It is aimed-according to priority theme - to medical and nursinginterestedpeople regardless of whether they are in home care, inhospital, inthe doctor's office or even volunteer in the nursinghome.The Healthcare Journal offers its readers twice a year freeofcharge current and interesting information on various medical&nursing topics as: hygiene, palliative care, woundcare,incontinence and ostomy, diabetes, etc. We inform you aboutnewstandards and therapies that allow experts fromvariousprofessional groups such as doctors and nurses, have theirsay andpresent practice-oriented care techniques and products. Wegivesuggestions and practical tips for those affected, andphysiciansassistants.In this app you can find for free the articles in thecurrentissue of the categories right expert opinion and practicereportsand have the opportunity to view and download theprecededspending.
AESCULAP Clippers 3.2.0
B. Braun Melsungen AG
Here you find all product information (technical data, applicationvideos, spare part lists etc.) as well as several fields ofapplication. The app includes a clipper head and cutting bladeguide, hence you can find the most appropriate product for you fastand uncomplicatedly.
Aesculap Akademie 2.1.0
B. Braun Melsungen AG
Unter dem Dach des B. Braun-Konzerns gegründet, gilt die AesculapAkademie heute weltweit als bedeutendes Forum für medizinischesTraining und Weiterbildung. Mit dieser App bietet die AesculapAkademie eine moderne und mobile Ergänzung zur bereits bestehendenWebsite. Durch einen Klick auf die Veranstaltungskategorienerhalten Sie eine Auflistung aller verfügbaren Veranstaltungeneingeteilt in den Kategorien Mediziner, Pflege / OP / ZSVA / Dentalund fachübergreifende Seminare. Darüber hinaus erhalten SieInformationen über die Mediathek der DGCH und ÖGC. Nutzen Sie jetztdie praktischen Funktionen Ihrer Aesculap Akademie App. Egal, woSie gerade sind. Kostenlos!
Helsinki Microneurosurgery 3.2.0
B. Braun Melsungen AG
Book with basics and tricks about the "Hernesniemi school ofneurosurgery"
AESCULAP Neuroendoscopy 3.2.0
B. Braun Melsungen AG
Neuroendoscopy and minimally invasive Neurosurgery approaches
Aesculap Academy Helsinki 2.1.0
B. Braun Melsungen AG
Different new approaches and techniques inOperativeMicroneurosurgery, Live Demonstration Course, tips andtricksrelated to Operative Microneurosurgery, presentationsanddiscussions. Note: This App is with a login just forparticipantsof the course. Login details will be provided byseparate e-mail.
Renal Care Compass - Living with Dialysis
B. Braun Melsungen AG
Renal Care Compass - Living with Dialysis
AESCULAP Surgical Instruments 3.2.0
B. Braun Melsungen AG
Think Surgical Instruments. Think Aesculap.
B. Braun Vet Care 3.2.0
B. Braun Melsungen AG
Your system partner for veterinary medicine
AESCULAP Cardiovascular 3.2.0
B. Braun Melsungen AG
Cardiovascular Catalogue
AESCULAP Dental 3.2.0
B. Braun Melsungen AG
Dentistry is currently facing drastic changes.
AESCULAP Spine Cervical 3.2.0
B. Braun Melsungen AG
Cervical spine surgery
AESCULAP nahdran 3.2.0
B. Braun Melsungen AG
Information for surgeons, OR and CSSD team, management andpurchasing
AESCULAP® Ennovate® 3.2.0
B. Braun Melsungen AG
The Ennovate® Vendors App is a dedicated tool for the internationalB. Braun Sales Team. The app includes deep-going insights about theinnovative Ennovate® spinal platform and provides furthermorehelpful data for successful sales activities. The use of this appis protected by a login and the access is strictly limited foremployees and vendors working for the B. Braun Company.
Omnitest Diabetes Diary v2.0.4
B. Braun Melsungen AG
Your mobile diabetes diary
StomaWiki 0.9.23
B. Braun Melsungen AG
StomaWiki is an app for stoma wearers, caregivers and caregivers.
ForPatientApp 1.3.1
B. Braun Melsungen AG
ForPatientApp helps on follow up patient care during theentiresurgical process
BKC App 1.0.12
B. Braun Melsungen AG
The BKC app provides up-to-date information on B. Braun.
B. Braun Events 1.3
B. Braun Melsungen AG
Stay updated and constantly informed about B|Braun’s latest events.